Sunday, June 21, 2015

Life is a terminal disease

"Life is a terminal disease". A nursing instructor said that my first year of school. A terminal disease is one that will end your life eventually. Everyone dies, just some people sooner rather than later.
When you are told you have a disease that will kill you eventually, probably, how do you respond? How do you react? What do you say to others? How do you go on? Do you lock yourself in your room and have a good cry? Do you pretend everything is normal and good? What do you tell your kids, husband, parents? Do you pretend to be ok when you really are falling apart inside?
There is no answer. You just do it.
You do what feels right.
You get up everyday, get dressed, go to work, go shopping, to the gym. You just keep going.
You want to give in, to give up, to not break down, you don't want to get out of bed. But you have to, because life goes on, with you there or not.
Eventually you get to the point where you are doing more than just functioning, more than just going through the steps, you start to live again. But life is different now and you are living a new normal. You go on day to day, week to week, month to month. Life becomes a schedule of tests and procedures, of doctors appointment. You plan around them and you learn to live life a new way.
You have to live it, because life goes on, despite being a terminal disease.

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