Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Respect comes in all shapes and sizes

Life takes us on adventures. Some we plan, some we fall into, some that find us.

Last month an adventure found us. Six days with no power. A wind storm with gusts of 71 mph slaughtered trees that had been standing for hundreds of years. It took out power lines, busted cement, broke open roofs, and took a couple lives.

We were very fortunate and we were prepared. We always have enough food on hand to last us a couple of months.
 We have some stored water , not enough for anything long term, but we have a couple filters on hand. We are still seriously under prepared for anything real long term.
we are prepared for a minor to moderate urban disaster, to shelter in place.

That's not what I want to discuss though. My mantra, "life will go on", has again shown us the meaning of life. That meaning of life comes in the form of two very sweet young adults who, despite it all, got married.
The world spins, day changes to night, summer to fall. It has never failed us, but our own hearts have been known to fail us. How do we prevent that from happening?
Respect. Respect for us, our partner, our children, our time.
I have learned that if I let respect for my spouse start to slide my heart starts to harden. When I let myself feel something he did was only done to irritate me my words start to bite.
When I start to get mad at his disease it reflects onto him as a person and makes him feel he is the disease.
When he asks for my time I have to remind myself he doesn't ask for much, and he's not doing it out of a lack of respect for me and my free time, he's doing it because he loves me and wants to spend time with me. I need to prioritize my plans and remember what lifes priorities are now, terminal diseases change the entire game plan.

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