Tuesday, July 7, 2015

anxiety can climb ladders

Tomorrow is the next oncology appointment. The closer it gets the more anxious I become. Good thing I have a lot to do to keep me busy today.
I don't know if I am noticing things more, or if they are really in my head. Symptoms mainly.
Exhaustion, I know I'm always tired, but sometimes it just hits out of the blue and I have to stop what I'm doing. It's been this way for a long time, but now I notice it more. You would think with all these extra oxygen carrying red cells it wouldn't hit that hard.
Pain, especially abdominal. Liver especially, but I've also been having more on the left side. Admittedly I've had periodic pain there, always blamed it on gas before but now I wonder if it really is my spleen. The right side pain I'm confident is my liver, especially after the doc poked at it and I was ready to hit him it hurt so bad.
Joints, yes I've had pain there for awhile. Pain doc says fibromyalgia, onc says PV. I say I just and pain meds don't always help.
Speaking of pain... My pain doc did a PROOVE genetic test to see what drugs I metabolize slow(meaning they won't work well for me) and what will work best for me. It found I metabolize hydrocodone slow, which is what I'm on. She offered to switch me to one that I metabolize normally. The issue there is the ones on that list I can take are strong. Morphine, dilaudid, fentanyl...oxycodone is on that list but I had a big issue last time I tried it, I was sicker than a dog. It may have partly been from the migraine or spinal tap they did, but I was super sick and afraid to try it again. So, hydrocodone works enough right now. I realize I will never be out of pain but if it keeps me functioning enough to work then I'm ok with that.
Another issue with the hydrocodone is the Tylenol in it. I don't take a lot but even that may be too much for my liver. I had an abdominal ultrasound 11 days ago, I get results tomorrow. After that we will decide next route.
The PROOVE test also showed some chemo drugs I won't respond well to. I'll be giving my other docs a copy of the results.
So that's all folks. Time to get cleaning, appraiser is coming Thursday and gotta get the basement ready.

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