Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I can not speak enough food about bountifulbaskets.org. Fresh fruits and veggies every week. Its a co-op so they pool all the money together that's collected on Monday and Tuesday and they are able to buy in bulk. Simple explanation there. We usually participate every week. There are always add ons you can contribute for. This week one of them is peaches. A 20lb box for $18.50.
I have 3 boxes coming on Saturday. 60 lbs of peaches.
Peach jam for sure. Canned peaches. Frozen peaches. Peach leather. Peach preserves. Peach honey. Thankfully I have a friend coming over to help me.
I only have 2 cases of jars... I may have yo go get more.
I have a new 23 quart pressure canner set to arrive Thursday.
I'm already playing this scenario out in my head. Clean the kitchen. Empty unneeded items off the counters, yes the canisters can sit on the table awhile. Use dishwasher to sanitize jars while lids sit in a pan of boiling water.
Step one blanche peaches to remove skin, save skin for honey.
Step two cut peaches into manageable chunks then smash with an old fashioned potatoe masher until its half liquefied with chunks hanging out.
and from there, sugar, pectin, boil, jar, then bathe.

All so simple... But if it were  there wouldn't be entries like the previous few.

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