Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Apple Jelly part deux

Its been 2 weeks since the last apple jelly debacle. I learned that despite it not setting it is still safe, but I can reprocess it and try more pectin. So...which route did I go.... apple syrup...or apple jelly... Of course it would just be boring and bland if I did nothing and let it stay as syrup.
So, in a final attempt at corralling the elusive apple jelly I opened all the jars and dumped them all in a pot. Return to a boil, turn temp down. In a separate pot add the powdered pectin and water( the amount I can not remember at this point).  Bring that to a boil for a bunch of minutes and add to the jelly goo, then can per directions.
I took them out of the pot at the prescribed ping ping ping over and over. So then the wait begins. Overnight they sat on the counter and in the morning...2 weren't solid. and 5...well....they were interesting.   Globs of gelatinous goo floating like a globe in the middle of an Amber sky.
The center set, the outside is liquid. So once again Apple jelly eludes me.