Welcome to my world.
Its not always happy, fun, loving, or nice. Sometimes it will be down right mean and nasty and rude.
Sometimes it will be heart breaking.
All I can say is, you've been warned.
Now, a little about me and my family.
I am married. Lee is a great guy who who is currently in a battle with Parkinsons disease and chronic myelogenous (or myeloid) leukemia (CML), also known as chronic
granulocytic leukemia (CGL). We know he will lose the war someday, but for now he is winning.
We have a 21 yr old named Kim, or thing one.
She has her own struggles in life but is an amazing kiddo. She is doing awesome and has been attending classes at the community and is doing awesome.
Bekah is our now19 yr old. She's a pretty awesome kid herself.(this written originally when she was in school still) She's still in high school and doing an alternative program to catch up after she got behind when she had surgery. She is in her 2nd/3rd year of French at school and doing very well with it. She's also in AF JROTC and at times has considered entering the military. (She got caught up, graduated on time and is still an awesome kid)
Snickers, out not so bright but very lovable black lab border collie mix.
Mia, our 17 yr old grey tabby kitty who spends all day sleeping on Lees lap.
Dexter....Mias nemesis...a 1 1/2 yr old grey tabby who thinks he rules the neighborhood, our house, and all in it.
Then there's me
I'm a wife. A mom. A nurse. An astronomy fan. A diabetic. An adventurous cook. A person that loves to try new things and currently is learning food storage techniques including canning.
I also live with chronic pain. I have sacroiliac joint dysfunction, we think, no test has been positive, I am just in severe pain all the time.
I work full time. I still do all the running, even when it's bad. I learned that some time ago if i don't do it no one will.
Anyway, that's it for now, check back later for more